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WPCA Approved Minutes 04/03/2012, Regular Meeting

Members Present:                Richard Aries, Donald Antaya, Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, Vicki Paliulis and William Vees

Alternates Present:     Ed Havens, Jr. (sitting in for Vicki Paliulis)

Alternates Absent:      Richard Siedman

Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary
Others Present:         Carlos Bastos, P.E.; The Dennis Group, LLC
                                Andy Krar, P.E.; Design Professionals
                                Pete Gutska, Applicant
                                Benjamin P. Michaelson, ESQ; Applicant

Chairman Richard Aries called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the April 3, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA).

Chairman Aries appointed Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. to sit in for Ms. Vicki Paliulis.


        1.      March 6, 2012 - Regular Meeting

                The following changes/corrections were made to the minutes of the March 6, 2012.

On Page 3, Item 2, 14th line down, Mr. Joseph Carino recommended changing the wording “of properties to the south as sanitary” to “at the south side of the property as sanitary”; the sentence should read as follows: “The plan is to extend the stub to the south and create a public sanitary main which will serve the two buildings on the property and future development at the south side of the property as sanitary is not available…”

Mr. Carino also recommended a change on page 10, 2nd line from bottom to top.  He recommended changing the word “the” to “that”; therefore, the sentence should read as follows: “…the Councilor that said there is no such thing as a fair system that is fair to every individual”.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that on Page 6, Item 3, 5th line down it refers to an increase in user fees to 4%; he explained that the increase is in the operating cost, not the user fees.  The sentence should read as follows: “In the past, the plan has been to limit increase in the operating cost to 4%.”

                Ms. Vicky Paliulis arrived at 7:05 p.m.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that on Page 7; 8th line from bottom to top, the sentence reads that “using the reserve is usually automatic, unless it is known well in advance.”  Mr. Shaw explained that this is done once WPCA has approved a project.  The sentence should read as follows: “Mr. Shaw said using the reserve is usually automatic, once WPCA has approved a project.”

The Authority agreed with all the changes and corrections.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as corrected.

Motion was made by Mr. Joseph Carino
Seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Carla’s Pasta/Phase I Expansion, 50 Talbot Lane (Approval to connect)

Mr. Carlos Bastos from The Dennis Group, LLC was present this evening to represent the application.  He explained that this is a proposed building addition of approximately 22,000 square feet to the rear of the current building with a couple of additional utility spaces at the front of the building.  Mr. Bastos reported that as part of this project addition they are increasing the waste water capacity for discharge to about 20,000 gallons per day from the previous; currently there are two sampling manholes.

Ms. Vicki Paliulis asked the applicant if a permit for the waste water has been obtained from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) for the waste water.  Mr. Shaw answered that they don’t have a permit because the discharge is not process waste water; is basically sanitary.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that normally when there is an increase of 10% in waste water discharge, the applicant needs to request a permit from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).  The Town must also confirm that the increased flow can be handled by the sanitary sewer system; that there is sufficient reserve capacity in the system.  Mr. Shaw explained that in general this project involves improvements that do not affect the existing private meters that are currently in place; there are three different meters located inside the facility that measure the amount of water that does not go into the sewer.

Motion was made for conceptual approval of the proposed connection to the Town’s sewerage system for the addition of the 22,000 square foot commercial building located at 50 Talbot Lane, South Windsor; as more specifically shown on plans entitled: “Carla’s Pasta, 50 Talbot Lane, South Windsor, CT 06074”, Prepared by the Dennis Group, LLC, Project No.: 3508, Dated 3/22/2012.; This approval is subject to the following conditions: (1) this application is subject to further conditions of approval of the WPCA for the proposed flow increase percentage, which may be subject to the DEEP permit request; (2) If a permit is not required from DEEP, this conditional approval will pass and the applicant may proceed forward.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

        2.      459 John Fitch Blvd., (Approval to connect)

Mr. Andy Krar from Design Professionals was in attendance representing the applicant for a proposed car wash to be located at 459 John Fitch Boulevard, South Windsor, CT.  Mr. Krar reported that this location is the former G&S Scrap Metal building.  He explained that currently there are two buildings at this site.  One was built back in 1979; as part of that there was a sanitary line coming out of the building to the main located in the west side of Route 5.  The other building was built in 1986 and as part of that construction there was a second sanitary sewer line which serves bathrooms in the rear of the building and connects to the sanitary sewer.

The applicant is proposing to have offices in the building which was built back in 1979.  A car wash area to be located in the building addition constructed in 1986, is also proposed as part of this project; the existing trench in this addition connects to an existing oil grit separator which is a 1000 gallon tank.  It is proposed that this separator be connected to the sanitary sewer within the building and connected to the sewer main on Route 5.  They are also proposing to install a sample manhole outside the building with an easement in favor of the Town for access to that manhole for sampling purposes.  Ms. Vicki Paliulis reported that the applicant will need a permit for the car wash from the DEEP.

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the applicant will be modifying the existing tank to meet current requirements for the grit interceptor.  Mr. Krar reported that the existing tank does have baffles which are relatively close to the floor.  They will me modifying the tank in the exterior and interior so that the baffles are no less than 18 inches above the floor.

Mr. Fred Shaw also reported that the plans presented need to be modified so that they refer to the easement in favor of the Town for the sampling manhole.  Mr. Krar responded that the easement documents will be provided to the Town Attorney for review and included in the final plans.

Mr. Andy Krar requested approval from the Authority to not be required to install a sampling manhole in front of the building where the new offices are proposed since there will be only sanitary discharge.  Mr. Fred Shaw reported that is a Town regulatory requirement that within the industrial zone, every sewer connection must include a monitoring manhole.  In this particular project, there are two separate connections to the sewer.  Due to the fact that the use of the property may change in the future, should the owner decide to sell the building; a second monitoring manhole is requested.  The second monitoring manhole needs to meet the requirements and any intended regulations.  Per Mr. Shaw’s recommendation, the following approval was made:

Motion was made to approve the proposed connection to the Town’s sewerage system for commercial property located at 459 John Fitch Blvd., South Windsor, CT; as more specifically shown on plans entitled: “459 John Fitch Blvd., South Windsor, CT”; Prepared by Design Professionals, South Windsor, CT; Project No.: 3159, Dated 3/29/2012. This approval is subject to the following: (1) There will be two sampling monitoring manholes installed; (2) A Vehicle Maintenance Permit for the oil/grit separator must be obtained from the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEEP); (3) The existing tank will be modified to meet current requirements of the oil/grit separator; (4) A draft of an easement allowing the Town access to the sampling manholes on the building sewer for monitoring purposes must be reviewed and receive the prior approval of the Town Attorney; (5) the drawings presented will be modified to reflect said easement.

Motion was made by Mr. Donald Antaya
Seconded by Ms. Vicki Paliulis
The motion carried unanimously

        3.      L008 Pierce Road – Request Modification of Sewer Service Area

Mr. Fred Shaw’s opening remarks were that this property known as L008 Pierce Road is a vacant parcel of approximately twenty-five (25) acres.  Mr. Benjamin Michaelson, which was in attendance this evening, is the prospective buyer of the property and wants to subdivide the lot into two separate residential houses.  According to the Town’s sewer service area map which is based upon the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) plan of conservation, this particular area was considered conservation areas; and therefore, sewer service was not permitted.  Mr. Michaelson has submitted an application to OPM requesting consideration of a change to the Conservation and Development Policies Plan and was approved by OPM.  A copy of the approval letter from OPM was distributed (see Exhibit A).  In this letter OPM informed the applicant and the Town that they will consider approval of a modification to South Windsor’s sewer service area to accommodate the construction of a single house on this parcel of land.  However, the Town of South Windsor WPCA must obtain approval from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) to modify its sewer service area.

Motion was made to approve modification of the Town’s sewer service area as well as transmittal of such information to the State DEEP and OPM for approval.

Motion was made by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously


        1.      Treatment Plant Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that this project is moving along; the contractor with Town staff is in the process of reviewing the punch lists at this time.  As previously reported, there were some design problems in which change orders were created for the Town and the Town incurred additional costs.  However, the Town believes that these costs are the responsibility of the Engineer.  Upon the recommendation of the Town Attorney, Mr. Shaw hasn’t paid the last bill and will not pay the current bill.  The Town staff is in the process further reviewing and resolving this matter.

Chairman Richard Aries asked if any testing in terms of function ability of major components have been performed at the Treatment Plant.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded yes; and explained that there is a problem with the odor control system.  The technology chosen has proven effective for many years, but is not working properly; there is a problem with the operation of the bio-filter and the engineer is working on resolving this problem.  Mr. Shaw has written a letter to the residents of Main Street and Pleasant Valley Road to keep them up to date on what is been done to resolve the odor problem.

There is also a concern for the excessive night lighting at the Treatment Plant.  The staff is trying to correct the problem to eliminate unnecessary light.  Also, some residents on Main Street, particularly those that are near the intersection of Vibert Road and Main Street, have expressed concern about viewing the Treatment Plant.  The Treatment Plan now extends further to the south; some trees have been taken down which makes the Plant more visible to residents.  Town staff has had meetings with the residents to look for ways to screen out the view of the Treatment Plant.  Mr. Fred Shaw will keep the Authority further informed.

        2.      Dry Pit Pump Station Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that this project is progressing on schedule.  The contractor is working actively with Route 5 and Barrington Estates pump stations.

Mr. Fred Shaw suggested adding two items to the Agenda for discussion and consideration.

Motion was made to add to the Agenda Item C4: 1430 Ellington Road, Sewer Charge Adjustment (Approval).

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously


        4.      1430 Ellington Road, Sewer Charge Adjustment (Approval)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the Authority had previously granted approval for a nail salon at 1430 Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT.  This residential property has been billed for both residential and commercial use.  Apparently the nail salon is no longer in business; the action became effective on the Assessors report on September 14, 2011.  However, the property owners did notify to the Town that they were temporarily closing on March 18, 2011.  The Town billed the property owners for FY 2010/2011 but the business ended in March of 2011.  The owners were looking for relief for the balance of FY2010/2011 which means that they should have been billed $192 instead of $288; this calendar year, FY 2011/2012, the owners were billed for the full year.  Mr. Shaw recommended that they be taken off the commercial billing list as they are no longer in business and to reduce the bill for FY 2010/2011 from $288 to $192; and FY 2011/2012 bill be reduced from $340 to $0.

Motion was made to remove 1430 Ellington Road from the commercial sewer billing list, and to approve the adjustment of the Commercial User Charge from $288.00 to $192.00 for the sewer user bill FY 2010/2011; and from $340 to $0 for the sewer user bill FY 2011/2012, as recommended by Mr. Fred Shaw.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to add to the Agenda, Item C5: Requesting approval to extend the flow meter installation.

The motion was made by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously

        5.      Requesting approval to extend the flow meter installation

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that within the scope of services for the sanitary sewer evaluation survey, the amount of inflow and infiltration (i/i) was to be measured.  Enough useful data has been obtained for ground water infiltration, but because of a lack of rainfall, insufficient data was collected for the inflow component.  The Town has so far invested thousands of dollars; and the flow meters installed in Town are scheduled to be removed on April 13, 2012.  The Town would like to extend the time for monitoring and continue to operate the meters through the end of April in the hope of collecting adequate inflow data from significant rainfall events.  Mr. Shaw recommended holding off on the corrosion evaluation and instead using the $12,000 budgeted for this evaluation for further flow monitoring for two additional weeks (see Exhibit B).

Motion was made to approve to extend the flow meter installation through the end of April; and the cost not to exceed $12,000.

The motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Chairman Aries expressed concerned in regards to the lack of word on commitment of the Town Council in regards to utilizing the property taxes to assist in the financing of the Treatment Plant debt service.  He reported that there was an article in the Journal Inquirer on March 22nd where one Councilman made the allegations of 39% increase in the WPCA budget and an increase in the user fees to $602.  Chairman Aries is in the process of drafting a letter in response to that article.  Mr. Fred Shaw believes that this Councilman looked at the entire budget projection for next year and compared it this year WPCA Operating Budget; in fact the Operating Budget is projected to be 3.34% for next year.  If the WPCA be responsible for paying only the 1/20th payment and not the debt service for the Treatment Plant, it is projected that the user fees will be increased 10% for next year and 5% the following year.

E.      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda) - None



        1.      Pollution Control Budget FY 2012/2013 (Review)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that at the previous meeting, the Pollution Control Budget FY 2012/2013 was reviewed for approval.  The Operating budget was approved; however, Mr. Fred Shaw was unable to present the capital improvements because of the uncertainty as to how the debt service for the Treatment Plant would be paid.  The Town is scheduled to make its first payment next year in September of 2013; this includes the 1/20th payment of about $1.4 million and this will involve some discussion with Town Council concerning how the debt service will be paid for by the Town.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that for the purposes of moving forward with the submittal of the Pollution Control budget which will be reviewed and discussed with the Town Council, he identified the following three items under Capital Improvements (see Exhibit C):

Manhole rehabilitation
Mr. Fred Shaw explained that $50,000 is for the inflow and infiltration (i/i) removal.

Concrete Pipe, Forcemain Replacement (Reserve for Capital), $882,000.

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the Authority approved $42,400 for the design of the replacement of the concrete pipe, manholes, and 80 feet of Clark Street force main.  The engineer explained their evaluation and reported how they assessed the risk for the 1375 ft of pipe in the force main on Clark Street which falls in the category of failure within 0 to 5 years.

Reserve for Plant Debt Service (1/20th payment)
Mr. Fred Shaw explained that the $700,000 is budgeted for next fiscal year with the understanding from previous discussions, that the WPCA would pay the 1/20th payment through sewer user charges, and that the Town Council would pay for the debt service beginning in September 2013.  Also, as previously discussed, the Town has the option to start making payments for the Treatment Plant sooner; in October 2012 to avoid accruing monthly interest between the time of the project completion and September 30, 2013.  By starting to pay the loan sooner, the Town would also be able to avoid having to make the 1/20th payment upfront.  However, in reviewing this option for payment provided by the State Treasurers office, it showed that the Town would actually be paying more over the long run for both interest and for principal.  The Town is awaiting an explanation concerning this matter from the State Treasurers Office.

Mr. Fred Shaw referred to the projections previously reviewed by the Authority of future sewer user charge impacts should the WPCA make the full 1/20th payment (see Exhibit D).  This includes different “what ifs” scenarios of user charge impacts making the 1/20th payment and making contributions towards Capital Reserve and Equipment Reserve.  The last time this was reviewed, the Authority was considering Option Number 4 which includes a 10% increase in user fees, from $340 to $401 for FY 2012/2013.  Mr. Shaw provided a New Year projection of expenditure and revenue demonstrating how the authority would realize the objective of making the 1/20th payment in 2013/2014 and the impact of sewer user charges.  The impact on user charges would be a 10% increase in FY 2012/2013 and a 5% increase in FY 2013/2014.  This information hasn’t yet been shared with the Task Force Committee, but was provided to the Town Manager to discuss with Mr. Bazzano who had previously requested such information.  Mr. Shaw provided him with estimated revenue and expenditures of the Pollution Control Budget for FY 2012/2013 and with pie charts for this use (see Exhibit E and F).

Mr. Shaw suggested approval of the three items under Capital Improvements for the purposes of submitting the Pollution Control Budget which will be reviewed and discussed with the Town Council.

Motion was made to include under Capital Improvements the Manhole Rehabilitation., I/I Removal; Concrete Pipe, Forcemain Replacement; and the Reserve for Plant Debt Service (1/20th payment) as presented by Mr. Fred Shaw (see Exhibit C).

Motion was made by Mr. Donald Antaya
The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion carried unanimously



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary